
BBL or Broad  Band Light is not a laser!  It is light therapy and uses the power of light to rejuvenate skin by removing brown and red pigment from the skin, shrinking pores and tightening skin by stimulating the deeper collagen. It has no downtime and just takes a few minutes to treat the face, neck, chest, hands or any skin of the body.

We use it in conjunction with our HALO and MOXI lasers to maximize the beautification of the skin. BBL  HERO stands for High Energy Rapid Output of light, meaning it delivers more light into the skin, in less time with less risk of complications than IPL. We have several different filters we use depending on what you need to correct in your skin. It will make your skin biologically healthier and younger. While there is no downtime, it is important to avoid sun before and after the treatment. We recommend treatments twice a year to keep your skin young and bright and beautiful. We do not recommend BBL in dark skin but would recommend MOXI laser instead.


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