Information on Scheduling Surgery

Surgery scheduling begins with a consultation with Dr. Susan Buenaventura.

At the time of consultation, you will be given a written estimate for your surgery, anesthesia, and a facility fee. 

To schedule and confirm a date for your surgery, speak with our surgical schedulers Christina or Carina.  Confirming a date requires a non-refundable deposit of $1000.00.  This is because we turn other patients away for that date once you confirm it and order supplies etc for your surgery.  We will also schedule a preoperative appointment.

We require that all surgical patients obtain will need require a "preoperative medical clearance" from their primary care doctor specifying that they are cleared to proceed with surgery and anesthesia.  Current blood work will also be required and possibly and EKG.  We will provide instructions for this and provide referrals if you do not have a primary care physician.

It is best to have this completed within 30 days of your surgery, and as early as possible in this time frame.  This will allow us to address any concerns that arise.

At your preoperative appointment you will meet with our nurse and be given instructions for what to do before surgery, what time to arrive for your surgery, and your prescriptions.  You will also sign your surgical consent form and can set up your post operative appointments.

You will also be responsible for final payment at the time of the preoperative appointment.

Please arrange for a ride home to be available promptly the day of surgery.  You must be accompanied by a responsible adult when leaving the hospital or our surgical center and for the first 24 hours after surgery.

Your surgery will take place at The Sendi Center Suite within our office or at INOVA Alexandria Hospital, depending on Dr. Buenaventura's recommendation.

If your surgery is at INOVA Alexandria Hospital, your surgical fee will be paid to our office and the facility and anesthesia fees will be paid directly to Inova.  We will give you the proper numbers to call.    

If your surgery is at The Sendi Center, payments for surgery and anesthesia will be made directly to The Sendi Center.  

 Be sure to arrange for child care, pet care and no travel, in advance so your post operative course goes smoothly!

We are here to support you and be sure your surgery and post operative course go smoothly!

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